jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Me, me, me

selfish adjective

Click to hear the UK pronunciation of this wordClick to hear the US pronunciation of this word/ˈsel.fɪʃ/
Someone who is selfish only thinks of their own advantage.

Esto del blog... no funciona, no tengo tantas cosas que decir.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

I wish I could play the piano


Hoy he pensado en la nieve. Quiero ver nevar, quiero mojarme la nariz con los copos que caen y librar la más divertida de las batallas.

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

I'm back

Parece que hace una eternidad que regresé de Canadá. And I really had a great time there. More than that, it changed my life. Even if it eventually didn't change my future as I thought it would do. But it changed me.

And I chose this picture because it sums up everything. Magic. Music. Toronto. Connection. Music. Toronto. Connection. Magic.

viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010


Quiero respirar.

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

The beginning of the end

Yeah, that's right. We have only 5 days left. Everytime I travel I feel like it's a dream barely connected to reality. I don't want to wake up, but I know that reality is waiting for me to come back. And I know I want me to come back. But who has never wanted a dream to last longer?

This trip is different. This city is different. These people are different. This has nothing to do with what I expected the trip would be. And I'm glad of it. I feel that I have to make the most of these 5 days, respirar cada momento, memorizar cada detalle, apreciar cada sonrisa, devolver cada mirada. And then I will come back to reality, full of memories and smiling.

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010


Someone reminded me that it's been a long time since I last wrote on my blog. And I think this is the perfect moment to do it. I don't know what to write, I feel just weird. Everything is amazing in this city; it's totally diferent from what I knew before. Last night something changed my way of seeing life. It made me think. Weird but amazing: these are the two words that describe my first week in Toronto. I am curious about what I may learn from the rest of the trip. And from the people I have met here. Let's see...

I think... I really think... I feel with my feet on the air, my head on the ground!

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

Un día gris

No sé escribir. Vale, sí sé escribir, pero no sé crear. El arte no me vino en forma de bolígrafo, sino de pincel. Con todo, ¿me habrá abandonado? hace mucho que no siento el impulso de dibujar. Tantas cosas invaden mi mente que creo haber olvidado la libertad que se siente frente al papel. Y no me refiero al papel que se rellena con palabras, ahí no sé reflejar mis sentimientos. Necesito acompañar el papel con un lápiz y una mesa enorme; necesito enmudecer mis pensamientos, que no dejan de acosarme en lenguas diferentes. Mi pasión son los idiomas, sí, pero no puedo olvidar mi otra pasión, aquella que me pide algo más, aquella que nació conmigo y saca lo mejor —o lo más recóndito— de mí.

Ya he acabado, sí. Ya dije que no sé dar vida a las palabras, sino a los dibujos. O eso creía.